02 4868 1293 - Address 412 Argyle St, Moss Vale, NSW

Maddi’ Parker – Pharmacist (BPharm BA JP)

Maddi Parker Pharmacist

Maddi’ Parker has been a pharmacist for over 25 years. For six years she owned a thriving pharmacy in the Illawarra, which won a number of local business awards and became Quality Care Pharmacy of the Year for NSW, Australia, in 2005. In 2013 Maddi’ took over Moss Vale Community Pharmacy from long-time owner, Rosemary Stuart.


In addition to her degree in pharmacy, Maddi’ also gained a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Newcastle in 1998, majoring in Sociology and Anthropology with a distinction average.


She is a Justice of the Peace appointed by the Attorney General’s Department of NSW.


Maddi’ has travelled extensively spending long periods in the UK, Europe, USA, Central America and Central Asia. An adventurer at heart, she also explored West Africa where she helped out professionally in a number of schools and hospitals living with local residents throughout.


Maddi’ pursues an ongoing vigorous study of Australian Bush Flower Essences and is a fully qualified teacher and practitioner. Bush flower essences are an integral and valued part of her pharmacy practice.


Maddi’ lives in the Southern Highlands with her Brad Pitt like husband and four children. She enjoys making bread, preserves and cheese in her noisy and occasionally tidy kitchen.